Brújula Intersexual: What does intersex mean for you?
For Intersex Awareness Day, Brújula Intersexual (Intersex Compass) asks intersex people and allies, “what does intersex mean for you?
For Intersex Awareness Day, Brújula Intersexual (Intersex Compass) asks intersex people and allies, “what does intersex mean for you?
Emily Quinn is an artist, animator and intersex advocate. She’s currently the Youth Leadership Coordinator for Inter/Act Youth. Today she’s launched a new project.
A statement by Belgin on behalf of writers at İnterseksüel ŞaLaLa (Intersexual Shalala), Turkey.
ILGA have published a long-form text by Janik Bastien-Charlebois on the medical treatment of intersex bodies and voices.
Iranti-Org in South Africa have published a video of a workshop on reform of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD), together with some memes and personal stories.
Intersex Campaign for Equality (OII-USA) has launched a lawsuit for the recognition of a non-binary intersex person, Dana Zzyym.
The Astraea Lesbian Foundation for Justice has formally launched the world’s first Intersex Human Rights Fund.
OII Europe and IGLYO have teamed up to produce an intersex Q&A video for Intersex Awareness Day.
The youth program of InterACT is sharing spotlight interviews of members, and an MTV interview.
The Interface Project have published a new video in an expanding set of video stories from around the world.
Pol Naidenov of Bilitis, Bulgaria, has issued a statement for Intersex Awareness Day.
InterACT has launched two new resources, for allies and Gay Straight Alliance Networks.