Desirability politics: sex and the intersex body
Koomah writes on body empowerment from an intersex escort perspective.
Koomah writes on body empowerment from an intersex escort perspective.
Join The Houston Intersex Society on 25 October for the annual Intersex Awareness Day illuminations of Houston City Hall.
On the evening of 25 October, Pidgeon Pagonis and the Center on Halsted will hold an event, “Intersex Stories: Not Surgeries”.
Members of interACT Youth appear in an article in the Washington Post Magazine by Nora Caplan-Bricker, with beautiful photographs by Marvin Joseph.
On 8 November, the Human Rights Commission of the Federal District of Mexico City (CDHDF) called for authorities to defend the rights of intersex people.
Multiple statements have been published for Intersex Day of Remembrance, honouring elders and Herculine Barbin, including by Bonnie Hart, OII-USA and Christof Rolker.
Sean Saifa Wall reflects on growing up Black, queer and intersex.
US intersex activists and people of color, Lynnell, Saifa and Pidgeon, have released a statement for Intersex Awareness Day.
US advocacy organisation interACT has conducted a range of actions for Intersex Awareness Day, including publication of resources,a joint statement, stories and interviews.
The U.S. Department of State has issued a statement in recognition of Intersex Awareness Day, and expressing solidarity with intersex persons around the world.
The Intersex Campaign for Equality/OII-USA has produced a series of colourful, shareable images on intersex issues for Intersex Awareness Day.
The Interface Project has published a new video with Betsy Driver, a co-founder of both Bodies Like Ours and Intersex Awareness Day.