Tuscany: the human rights of people with intersex traits
During the Congress of Associazione Radicale Certi Diritti, a presentation on the human rights of intersex people will be held for Intersex Day of Solidarity.
Speakers will include Alessandro Comeni, intersex activist, cofounder of intersexioni and OII Europe, and honorary president of Associazione Radicale Certi Diritti; Michela Balocchi PhD, a research fellow at the American University, Washington DC (participating via video conference); and Miriam van der Have, co-chair of OII Europe and of Nederlands Netwerk Intersekse/DSD.
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On Tuesday 13 October at 5pm, Alessandro Comeni, Beatrice Busi and Michela Balocchi will speak at an event in Florence: “Beyond the binary: the human rights of people with intersex traits”.
Al di là del binarismo: i diritti umani delle persone con tratti intersex
Alessandro Comeni is an intersex activist, cofounder of intersexioni and OII Europe, and honorary president of Associazione Radicale Certi Diritti. Beatrice Busi PhD is a philosopher of science and research fellow at the Association Luca Coscioni. Michela Balocchi PhD is a research fellow at the American University, Washington DC (participating via video conference).
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