The future of this project
The Intersex Day project was established to share intersex histories and promote human rights events for Intersex Awareness Day and Intersex Day of Solidarity. We have done this by inviting people to share their stories as “comment”, and by documenting actions. In the three years since the Intersex Day Project was established, the intersex movement has grown significantly. This has affected us in two ways. Firstly, there are more events to document, and so we increasingly can only capture some events. Secondly, we ourselves are participating in more actions around the two intersex days.
At the same time, this project is no longer funded.
This means that we have to reconsider how we continue as a project. This might mean seeking the involvement of more people in documenting actions (but we have to acknowledge that the funds available to pay for this are limited). This might also mean focusing more on collecting histories and commentaries by people involved in the movement.
Update: this project will proceed on a much reduced scale in 2019.