Mani Mitchell reports on Intersex Awareness Day


ITANZ statement for Intersex Awareness Day, 2015

Mani Bruce Mitchell of the Intersex Trust of Aotearoa New Zealand comments on Intersex Awareness Day 2015:

It is my wish that on this year’s Intersex Awareness Day we celebrate being intersex in all the glorious diversity that it is. That we say to the world that this barbaric concept of ‘fixing/normalizing’ needs to stop. That parents be supported to love their intersex children and consider what Dr Arlene Baratz so beautifully suggests:

“If there is a secret to raising healthy children, it is to accept and focus on what they are, instead of what they’re not. Changes happening everywhere challenge us. Reimagine intersex, not as disease, but as a way of living in the world. It is time for clinicians and families to develop a mutual understanding that “our diversity – the differences between our experiences and perspectives, as well as the shapes of our bodies – is something that we should celebrate and protect, in all its forms.”

Read the full article on the ITANZ site
Intersex Trust of Aotearoa New Zealand also published the article on Intersex Awareness Day

Read the full quoted statement by Arlene Baratz, and others, in response to a BMJ editorial of 28 September 2015, calling for an end to “business-as-usual”.