Lambda Legal adds to calls for end to medically unnecessary surgeries

Lambda Legal
The US legal organisation Lambda Legal has issued a call for an end to medically unnecessary genital surgeries on intersex infants and children. In doing so, it joins intersex-led organisations, human rights institutions, and many doctors.

We write today to supplement our letter of July 25, 2017, and further urge that you take immediate measures to end surgeries on intersex infants and children without their own free, informed and valid consent, except in medically necessary situations, e.g., for infants born with conditions that render them unable to void urine or born with organs outside the body.1 As set forth below, such an approach is consonant not only with sound medical and ethical standards concerning the treatment of intersex people, but also with their rights to personal autonomy and bodily integrity, as protected under constitutional and human rights law, and as commonly protected through the application of state laws, as well, particularly given recent developments and available legal analyses.

Read on the Lambda Legal website