Statement by Bilitis, Bulgaria


Bilitis Resource Center Foundation

Pol Naidenov of Bilitis, Bulgaria, has issued a statement for Intersex Awareness Day:

26 октомври: СВЕТОВЕН ДЕН ЗА ПОВИШАВАНЕ НА ОСВЕДОМЕНОСТТА ЗА ИНТЕРСЕКС ХОРАТА (October 26: World Day to raise awareness of intersex people)

Here’s a rough translation of the action points:

What can be done to ensure intersex people can live normally in modern society?

  • Firstly, stop the senseless and crippling, traumatic operations “corrections” of the body, such operations should be carried out only with the consent of the person when it reached maturity and can take independent decisions.
  • To allow the recording of “neutral” sex at birth, enabling an administrative change in personal documents, where grown-up child wants to identify themselves as one of the two most common people.
  • Carry out qualitative research involving intersex people on the specific problems intersex people face in a social environment, and ensure these studies become the basis for policy development for the integration of intersex people and increase their quality of life.
  • To introduce appropriate educational materials both in school and in medical universities that raise awareness of interseks people in terms of universal human rights.

More information (Bulgarian)
Google translation into English