Valencia, Spain: “Intersex: an intimate look”

On 27 October, Mi Bebé Intersexual, and Yolanda Meleno Puche, a psychologist specialising in intersex, will participate in an event organised by Colectivo Las Lilas, with the talk “Intersex: An intimate look.”

Mi Bebé Intersexual (My Intersex Baby) is a project from Spain. It was founded by the parents of an intersex little girl, who decided to protect her daughter’s body autonomy and not to submit her to the cosmetic genital surgeries proposed by doctors. They write their experiences on their blog, and also give talks in universities, diversity events, and to groups of parents of children with intersex variations. In their talks, they mainly talk about their experience as parents and the importance of respecting the self-determination and body autonomy of intersex children.

Date and time: 27 October 2017, 5:00 PM
Location: CSO El Nido, Carreres Puchalt 7, Benimaclet, Valencia

More about the event
The website for Mi bebé Intersexual