GATE statement for Intersex Awareness Day
GATE identifies advances and challenges in a statement for Intersex Awareness Day, 2017.
GATE calls today:
- For the recognition of our rights to bodily integrity and self-determination, and for the recognition of our right to the truth about what has been done to our bodies, and to our population as a whole.
- To countries that promote their progress on LGBTI issues, we demand a genuine commitment on intersex human rights issues. Such commitment is compatible only with the prohibition of medically unnecessary “normalizing” interventions that take place without personal consent. It requires the dismantling of all forms of torture in medical settings against intersex people, and provision of adequate reparations to victims.
- To the World Health Organization and all clinical institutions at the national, regional and international levels, to implement systematic change in medical practices, including the development of transparent standards of care that respect our human rights in genuine consultation with intersex people.
- To allies and donors, to respect, support and resource the leadership of intersex people on intersex issues, and to avoid all forms of misrepresentation, reduction or appropriation of those issues.
- To intersex advocates around the world, to keep working together. The outstanding advances produced by our movement show that, even in the most challenging times, collective hope remains.
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