Statement by US intersex people of color
US intersex activists and people of color, Lynnell, Saifa and Pidgeon, have released a statement for Intersex Awareness Day:
As people of color within this movement, we recognize that white supremacy undermines and erases the contributions of people of color because our existence is understood as a threat this country’s foundation which was built on the attempted genocide of Native Americans and the enslavement of Africans.
We also recognize that as intersex people, we too are viewed as threats to the dominant and socially constructed gender binary that eclipses the true spectra of sex and gender.
As intersex people of color, we acknowledge that we cannot have intersex liberation if we are not in alliance with other oppressed peoples fighting for liberation across multiple movements.
On 1 November, Sean Saifa Wall was interviewed by Julie Compton for NBC OUT:
I draw a very distinct parallel between how the medical community has inflicted violence on intersex people by violating their bodily integrity, and how state violence violates the bodily integrity of Black people…
My desire for intersex liberation is totally intwined with Black liberation. They cannot be teased apart
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