
Mauro Cabral

The marks on our bodies

Mauro Cabral Grinspan draws a line between the marks on his flesh and the words that clinicians use to define and treat intersex bodies.

Intersex activism in Turkey

Şerife and Belgin talk with Kaos-GL about the situation of intersex people in Turkey, bodily interventions without consent and the influences of these on activism.


Do I regret being born intersex?

Irene of Intersex Russia says: sometimes people ask me, do I regret that I was born intersex? And the answer is no, I don’t regret the fact that I was born intersex!


¿Cómo celebrarás el Día de la Visibilidad Intersex?

Get involved

What can you do to mark Intersex Awareness Day or Intersex Day of Solidarity, and promote human rights for intersex people?

Vienna Statement

Vienna Statement

Statement of the first European intersex community event, in Vienna on 30–31 March 2017.

Darlington Statement

Darlington Statement

A joint consensus statement for Australia and Aotearoa/New Zealand, published 10 March 2017.

Third International Intersex Forum

Malta Declaration

The statement of the Third International Intersex Forum, December 2013.