Republishing guidelines
This website contains original content and aggregated event content.
Where stated you may republish our commentary and reference articles online for free. You must credit us and link to us, and you can’t edit our material or sell it separately. We broadly follow the republishing guidelines set by The Conversation, with some modifications to suit our distinct characteristics.
Republishing guidelines
These guidelines apply to commentary and reference articles only.
- Unless you have express permission from the author, don’t edit our material except to reflect relative changes in time and location. If you need to materially edit our content please contact us.
- You must credit our authors and their affiliations — ideally in the byline. We prefer “Author Name, Affiliation”.
- You must credit Intersex Day — ideally at the top of the article — with a link back to our home page, Intersex Day or (preferably) the specific article URL on the Intersex Day website, and let us know that you have republished the article.
- If space is tight, or if you have a personal blog or site, you may run the first few lines of the article and then say: “Read the full article on the Intersex Day website”, with a link back to the article page on our site.
- It’s OK to put these articles on pages with ads, but you can’t sell our material separately.
- These guidelines exclude photographs. You must confirm separately with photograph license holders that you’re permitted to republish images in our articles. Some sources don’t allow their images to be republished without permission.
- You can republish individual articles, but you can’t systematically republish all of these articles.
- These articles are licensed under the Creative Commons — Attribution/No derivatives license, which explains the legal details. If you have questions, please contact us.
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