US LGBT organisations affirm intersex rights
Multiple US LGBT organisations have affirmed intersex rights to mark Intersex Awareness Day, including GLAAD, GLMA and OutRight.
Multiple US LGBT organisations have affirmed intersex rights to mark Intersex Awareness Day, including GLAAD, GLMA and OutRight.
A spokesperson for the Department of State has issued a statement recognising violence through forced medical interventions.
Watch a Facebook Live session with supermodel Hanne Gaby Odiele, and discussion about a new report on doctors’ discontent with intersex medical practices.
Kimberly Zieselman, executive director of interACT, writes about the need for informed, accessible, affirmative healthcare.
Intersex People of Color for Justice have issued a powerful statement for Intersex Awareness Day, 2017: “We are a just movement that has our vision set on attaining bodily autonomy for all.”
OII-USA has published a guide to easy ways to share visibility this Intersex Awareness Day.
On the evening of 25 October, Stony Brook University hosts a lecture by Aleksander Berezkin on “Intersex activism: my body is my right”.
The Bureau of General Services – Queer Division in Greenwich Village is hosting an Intersex Awareness Day evening event with Claudia Astorino.
On 4 November, the North County LGBTQ Resource Center will hold a combined Intersex Awareness Day & Intersex Day of Remembrance event.
The LGBT Resource Center at UNF held a Sex and Gender 101 Brown Bag Lunch on Intersex Awareness Day, with Anunnaki Ray.
Duke Law is holding an Intersex Awareness Day event on Human Rights in Practice, with Kyle Knight of Human Rights Watch and Alesdair Ittelson of interACT.
On Intersex Awareness Day, 26 October, Pidgeon Pagonis and Sean Saifa Wall will participate in a panel discussion at the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC).