Tagged: oii australia

OII Australia on IAD 2014

OII Australia on IAD 2014

Morgan Carpenter of OII Australia wrote on “Why Intersex Awareness Day is Important” at the Star Observer newspaper, considering issues of stigma and social justice.

OII Australia - IAD 2013

OII Australia on IAD, 2013: Senate report and more

Morgan Carpenter, OII Australia president, wrote on recent legislative change, and a national Senate committee report, “Involuntary or coerced sterilisation of intersex people in Australia”, released on October 25, 2013.

Star Observer: 14 days of intersex

The 14 Days of Intersex (Australia)

Gina Wilson, president of OII Australia in 2011, marked “14 days of Intersex” between Intersex Awareness Day and Intersex Day of Remembrance in an article for the Star Observer.