Statement by IntersexUK
Intersex UK have published a statement for Intersex Awareness Day, highlighting issues of solidarity.
Intersex UK have published a statement for Intersex Awareness Day, highlighting issues of solidarity.
The European Commission has shared a statement and an interview with Pol, an intersex advocate in Bulgaria, and his partner, Monika.
The Australian Human Rights Commission has issued a statement for Intersex Awareness Day.
OII Australia has published a statement for Intersex Awareness Day, highlighting positive developments, and a journey yet to travel.
The New Zealand Human Rights Commission has published a statement for Intersex Awareness Day.
OII-USA has published a guide to easy ways to share visibility this Intersex Awareness Day.
Small Luk of Beyond the Boundary – Knowing and Concerns Intersex 藩籬以外 ﹣ 認識和關愛雙性人 has shared a statement for Intersex Awareness Day.
On Intersex Awareness Day, Hiker Chiu will give a lecture at the National Taiwan Normal University in Taipei City.
Intersex Youth Aotearoa and RainbowYouth have published an animation based on a design by Sam Orchard.
Collectif Intersexes et Allié.e.s are holding a series of events around France from 24 October to 8 November.
LSVK Frankfurt will hold a lecture and discussion with Lucie Veith of Intersexuelle Menschen e.V. on the evening of Monday 30 October.
On the evening of 25 October, Stony Brook University hosts a lecture by Aleksander Berezkin on “Intersex activism: my body is my right”.