European Commission shares statement, interview with Pol Naidenov
The European Commission has shared a statement and an interview with Pol, an intersex advocate in Bulgaria, and his partner, Monika.
The European Commission has shared a statement and an interview with Pol, an intersex advocate in Bulgaria, and his partner, Monika.
The Australian Human Rights Commission has issued a statement for Intersex Awareness Day.
OII Australia has published a statement for Intersex Awareness Day, highlighting positive developments, and a journey yet to travel.
The New Zealand Human Rights Commission has published a statement for Intersex Awareness Day.
OII-USA has published a guide to easy ways to share visibility this Intersex Awareness Day.
Small Luk of Beyond the Boundary – Knowing and Concerns Intersex 藩籬以外 ﹣ 認識和關愛雙性人 has shared a statement for Intersex Awareness Day.
On Intersex Awareness Day, Hiker Chiu will give a lecture at the National Taiwan Normal University in Taipei City.
Tony Briffa writes about going public, and becoming the world’s first openly intersex elected official.
Intersex Youth Aotearoa and RainbowYouth have published an animation based on a design by Sam Orchard.
Intersexioni have announced the opening of the first Italian info-welcoming point for intersex and LGBTQ deaf people.
Collectif Intersexes et Allié.e.s are holding a series of events around France from 24 October to 8 November.
LSVK Frankfurt will hold a lecture and discussion with Lucie Veith of Intersexuelle Menschen e.V. on the evening of Monday 30 October.