Hong Kong: A story of she and he
An interactive drama workshop in Hong Kong on Intersex Day of Solidarity, 8 November.
An interactive drama workshop in Hong Kong on Intersex Day of Solidarity, 8 November.
A statement by the Nederlands Netwerk Intersekse/DSD (Netherlands) on Intersex Awareness Day, 2015.
Activists have presented a letter on the protection of intersex children to the Chilean president on Intersex Awareness Day.
On 4 November, Association Russian Speaking Intersex people will hold a Russian Intersex Awareness Day event.
Intersexion will be screened on 7 November, followed by a panel discussion, at the North County LGBTQ Resource Center.
On 7 November from 6pm, an Intersex Solidarity Day event will be held at TransInterQueer in Berlin to present and talk about intersex histories.
On 7 November, Miriam van der Have will join Alessandro Comeni and Michela Balocchi at the congress of Associazione Radicale Certi Diritti.
VIMÖ, Plattform Intersex, the Vienna Anti-Discrimination Agency and partners are organizing “Inter*Tagung Wien”, in Vienna, Austria from 6 to 8 November.
Join the Thunderclap and Twitterstorm on social media, hosted by Pidgeon Pagonis on 26 October, #intersexstories; read on Storify!
For Intersex Awareness Day, Brújula Intersexual (Intersex Compass) asks intersex people and allies, “what does intersex mean for you?
Emily Quinn is an artist, animator and intersex advocate. She’s currently the Youth Leadership Coordinator for Inter/Act Youth. Today she’s launched a new project.
A statement by Belgin on behalf of writers at İnterseksüel ŞaLaLa (Intersexual Shalala), Turkey.